Okay, so no one actually says that though they should , but the point remains that unlike the almost mythical G-spot, clitoral stimulation, especially the oral kind, has long been touted as a top-tier way to give a clit-owner intense orgasms. All they make me do, however, is fake it. The clitoris is located above the vaginal opening and is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones due to its high concentration of nerve endings. Clit sucking is one of them.

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What Are the Risks of Licking Vagina?

The boyfriend finds the vagina smelly? Ask him to suck it up!-Living News , Firstpost
Parental guidance required and advised. Please exit if below18 years of age. Sex, especially oral sex can be a lot of fun. More so for women, as most of them have an orgasm with direct clitoral stimulation. This is where your skills at cunnilingus come in handy. Not only is it an art, but it can also make you the best she has ever had. Want to know how to blow her mind while you show some love to her down there?

Vagina Sucking
Our sex columnist busts some myths about trying to beautify the vagina. He'll go till my navel and then come back up. I'm wondering if it is because of what it smells like down there? I've tried using different soaps, but it hasn't helped. He still doesn't do it and I feel bad asking him to, because I guess smell is important?

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13.07.2022 21:29:12 Lyn:
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