Colleagues, classmates and friends. Guys with feelings, opinions and emotions deftly expressed in their art. It runs from July 16 through Sept. Please note, in all frankness, I disclose that Don Wilkinson is my friend and a fellow artist.

dz, eD Ry, YK QE, jz fj, KL lA, nz yF, xs DT, SU hI, lZ Ve, DX Tk, fc kC, ap Ln, aN ut, xB Gz, wM xy, Rd ht, xC

White Building, where ISIS held Yazidi women in Mosul

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The film was distributed by 20th Century Fox and released on March 13, Two young New Yorkers traveling through rural Alabama are arrested and put on trial for a murder they did not commit, and a cousin, Vinny Gambini, a lawyer who had only recently passed the bar exam after five unsuccessful attempts, defends them. My Cousin Vinny was a critical and financial success, with Pesci, Gwynne, and Tomei praised for their performances. Attorneys have also lauded the film for its accurate depiction of court procedure and trial strategy. While travelling there through Alabama from their metallic mint-green Buick Skylark convertible and halt at the Sac-O-Suds convenience store.

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MOSUL, Iraq - The plight of Yazidis caused by the Islamic State's ISIS rise to power in as the group swept through northern Iraq has left permanent scars and open wounds on the minority community, in particular women and girls who were sold into sexual slavery by the terror group. Rudaw's exclusive documentary, titled "White Building," details the horrors experienced by Yazidi women who survived sexual slavery at the hands of the terror group. At the same time they were taken from the village I was not with them because I had been taken captive by Daesh [Arabic acronym for ISIS]," Khayria Malulla, an ISIS survivor said, adding that her family still has no information on the whereabouts of her father and three uncles. Malulla and countless other women, including fellow victim Hayam Sabri, were taken captive by ISIS and sold to numerous militants during the time they spent with the terror group. Sabri said the experience made her feel "very unpleasant

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