At half the cost of their human counterparts, sex worker robots at a Swiss brothel are becoming the choice of hard-up punters. One expert claims sex with a robo-doll is a fetish among men, just like a preference for leather. The beautiful and civilized Swiss city of Lucerne is renowned for its setting below snow-capped mountain peaks on the banks of Lake Lucerne, with its medieval architecture, picturesque Altstadt Old Town and brothel full of sex robots instead of real prostitutes. You can meet Zoe, Mimi pictured online looking like a partly-dressed giant Barbie or Nina think plastic Britney Spears wearing a military cap for 30 minutes of familiarisation for 60 Swiss francs. How the client divides the time is up to them.

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How I Told My Parents, Friends and Employer That I Have a Robot Fetish

How I Told My Parents, Friends and Employer That I Have a Robot Fetish
The adult entertainment industry has always been an early adopter of advanced technology. This goes back to the s when VCRs first became popular. The purveyors of porn quickly realized they could close their expensive and sleazy X-rated movie theaters and put their product on VHS tapes instead. Sales soared.

Why do I feel like I have robot fetish sometimes
The long wait may soon be over. Life-sized sex dolls combined with animatronics and artificial intelligence are starting to hit the market. With testing underway, this is also a time when public discussion may very well influence the design and appearance of artificial lovers—not to mention the ways in which people may interact with them. Today you can already take home a robotic love doll or download an AI sex doll personality for romantic and sexual conversations.

Sam Hughes, 26, is a fourth-year Ph. His research is also his lifestyle: kink. As such, kinky people are often unwilling to disclose their sexual preferences and lifestyles, fearing that such transparency will negatively affect their friendships, family dynamics and employment opportunities, among other things.

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