Be sure to select a variety that matures within the growing season of your geographic area. Most cucumbers require 50 to 70 days from planting to first harvest. Purchase seed from catalogs and garden centers. It is not recommended to plant cucumber seed that have been saved from the previous year, as they are unlikely to produce the same variety.
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How to grow cucumbers – from seed, in pots, vertically or in your vegetable patch
How to grow cucumbers / RHS Gardening
Track your order through my orders. Cucumbers are really easy to grow! Each requires a different treatment to produce a good crop. You can grow cucumbers regardless of how much space you have. Find out how to grow other delicious salad crops like spicy wasabi rocket and radish at our salad hub page. There are two main varieties of cucumber: greenhouse and outdoor. Greenhouse cucumber plants produce long, smooth fruits, much like the ones you find in the supermarket.
The 7 Secrets To Growing Cucumbers – How To Grow An Incredible Crop!
Cucumbers are a tender heat loving plant that are part of the squash family along with melons, gherkins, courgettes, and pumpkin. Unlike their butternut, winter squash, and pumpkin cousins they are not hardy, and need careful attention from the gardener to be successful. My favourite way of growing cucumbers is in a polytunnel. They thrive in the warm conditions, producing an early summer harvest. It is even possible to grow cucumbers on a sunny windowsill.
Hidden Springs Homestead may earn a commission for purchases made after clicking links on this page. Learn More. Cucumbers are a sweet and tasty warm season vegetable. And one of the easiest vegetables to grow in a home vegetable garden. Given the right soil, enough water and sunlight, you are almost guaranteed a successful cucumber crop.
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