The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine. The series premiered on the E! The sixth and final season premiered on October 11, and introduced Hefner's new girlfriends, Crystal Harris , who eventually went on to marry Hefner, and twins Kristina and Karissa Shannon. The success of the series was followed by several spin-offs , including Kendra and Holly's World. The series focuses on the lives of Hugh Hefner 's girlfriends who live with him at the infamous Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles.
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Playboy reality tv
The Girls Next Door - Wikipedia
When Hefner launched Playboy in , the magazine all but jump-started the sexual revolution, heralding a new era of sexual freedom and expression. Though some of the magazine's and Hefner's own ethos has soured as times have decidedly changed. According to a press release on Secrets of Playboy , behind Playboy 's "glossy facade" was a "more sinister reality" that allowed for decades of "nefarious conduct including sexual assault and drug abuse to flourish, and where prostitution, suicide and even murder lurked in the shadows. The series will explore how the Playboy "machine was a powerful force that, at its worst, manipulated women in a toxic environment, silencing their voices, pitting them against one another, and opening the door to sexual predators.
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Menu Top Editors Login. The list consists of 35 members. Connections Playboy TV. List Gallery Activity. Formatted as a newsmagazine, the program focused on human sexuality.
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