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Sleeping Pill Withdrawal, Detox and Treatment
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Popular Porn Hub Sleeping Videos
Editor-in-chief for Recovered. Edmund has an extensive background in addiction research and Most sleeping pills belong to the category of drugs known as sedatives or hypnotics and are prescribed to people who have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep.
As the name suggests, sleeping pills are medications — almost always available only through prescription — taken to help people with insomnia get to sleep. Technically sleeping pills are known as hypnotic or soporific drugs, and are closely related to sedatives; some may also be referred to as sedative-hypnotic drugs. There are a large number of sleeping-pill brands on the market: insomnia affects many millions of people worldwide and its solutions form a hugely lucrative industry. In the UK over 15 million prescriptions are written each year for sleeping pills, with zopiclone brand names including Imovane, Zimovane, and Dopareel and temazepam brand names including Restoril and Normison the two most commonly prescribed drugs. Some sleeping pills, unfortunately, are habit-forming, and sleeping pill addiction is a growing problem in the UK.
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