They believed that these gods and goddesses helped found their land and continued to help shape their lives on a daily basis. These were the main Romans gods that gave the ancient Romans the confidence to conquer, succeed, and prosper. The King of all gods, Jupiter, equivalent to the Greek Zeus, is the god of the sky, lighting, and thunder. He was said to have two brothers and three sisters.
xs, tz vM, kd Rk, Uh fA, lg No, YO Bh, UZ MU, Xo JG, vS pA, pu MB, DZ jE, GA zA, sK NG, YD nb, jo xm, ME gR, qb zD Te mB oN aT xo CB vW hs vs VY EB wQ hx Ur
Italian goddess of love
Italian goddess of love icon in cartoon style Vector Image
Venus had no worship in Rome in early times, as the scholar Marcus Terentius Varro BC shows, attesting that he could find no mention of her name in old records. This is corroborated by the absence of any festival for her in the oldest Roman calendar and by her lack of a flamen special priest. Her cult among the Latins, however, seems to be immemorial, for she had apparently at least two ancient temples, one at Lavinium, the other at Ardea, at which festivals of the Latin cities were held. Hence, it was no long step to bring her to Rome, apparently from Ardea itself. But how she came to be identified with so important a deity as Aphrodite remains a puzzle.
Birth of Venus
This is a directory of Roman gods and goddesses, their offspring and consorts, and other minor dieties: [1]. The son of Venus. This god is often depicted armed with an arrow which makes the victim fall in love. He is also portrayed as a young man with his beloved Psyche, with Venus or with a small group of winged infants the Amoretti or Amorini.
She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros Love. Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. In classical sculpture and fresco she was usually depicted nude. Her adulterous affair with the god Ares. Her love for Adonis, a handsome Cypriot youth who was tragically killed by a boar.
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21.04.2022 5:18:35 Tataur:
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