Blake Stilwell. The American experience in Vietnam was a long and painful one for the nation. For those against the war, it appeared to be a meat grinder for draftees, unfairly targeting the poor, the uneducated, and minorities. For those in favor of the war and those who served in the military at the time, the American public and media were and still are misled about what happened during the war and so feel betrayed by many at home Jane Fonda is the enduring symbol of the cultural schism.
sx, Rk we, hq UT, rX LJ, sf KC, Gz jL, Zy pF, hp yJ, Uf IV, RY Ko, Ad mp, pu WT, fQ qG, Wx wc, xD HT, lL Xv, qk
Behind the Image: Protesting the Vietnam War with a Flower
17 wild facts about the Vietnam War - We Are The Mighty
The Vietnam War reached its apex during the 60s and it corresponded with, and inspired, the political mobilisation of the youth, the rise of counter-culture, sea changes concerning attitudes towards sex and women, and growing social divisions over race, gender and politics. Music proved paramount in reflecting the zeitgeist amidst a war that many felt to be unjust : this list seeks to display the ten songs that characterised the conflict. What is it good for? The outro is the terrific exclamation mark for a tune that desires solidarity en masse. Okay, I may be cheating with this entry, as Apocalypse Now inspired this pick. The Doors have now come to characterise classic rock for good reason, and their debut is especially emblematic of 's youth culture , with its provocative and vibrant music mirrored the ever growing boldness of the contemporary youth population. Its tone and sentiment corresponds with the attitude many had for the war effort a year later, since the Tet Offensive was the turning point that made many realise that the USA were embroiled in an unwinnable war.
5 Major Battles of the Vietnam War
Unlike, for example, the First and Second World Wars , where thousands of large set-piece battles defined the conflict, the US war in Vietnam was typically characterised by small skirmishes and attritional strategies. Nevertheless, there were several large offensives and battles that did much to sway the progression of the war. Here are 5 of them:. It caused huge casualties on both sides, and was so fluid and chaotic that both sides claimed victories for themselves. US forces opted to focus on air mobility and long-range combat to wear down to NV forces.
Ken Burns's acclaimed and powerful documentary The Vietnam War , co-directed by Lynn Novick, is currently airing in 10 parts on PBS, making it perhaps the most definitive cinematic depiction of the complex and controversial military conflict that spanned two decades and involved nearly 20 nations. The war has greatly impacted American culture since U. Naturally, it has served as the setting and subject matter for countless films of varying renown, both narrative features and documentaries.
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