Back to Health A to Z. There are many possible reasons for having a low sex drive loss of libido. Treating the cause should help increase your sex drive. Some long-term conditions can also affect your sex drive, such as heart disease , diabetes , an underactive thyroid or cancer. A GP can advise you about help you can get and any treatments that might improve your sex drive.
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8 Safe Ways to Increase Your Libido
Decreased libido can happen at any time. A lot of people experience it after pregnancy and when breastfeeding. Your libido could also be low because of anxiety, stress, or a hormonal imbalance due to changes in your body. Sexual disorders can also cause a loss of libido.
Low sex drive (loss of libido)
Loss of libido sex drive is a common problem that affects many men and women at some point in their life. It's often linked to relationship issues, stress or tiredness, but can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, such as reduced hormone levels. Everyone's sex drive is different — there's no such thing as a "normal" libido. If you find your lack of desire for sex distressing or it's affecting your relationship, it's a good idea to get help. Don't feel embarrassed about getting help.
Do you often feel like not having sex? According to a study conducted in , 1 in every 4 women report experiencing low sexual desire and a lack of arousal. It could be social conditioning that makes you look at sex as something wrong, or a traumatic experience in the past, or a mental-health condition that could be causing it. However, sometimes, a low sex drive can also be attributed to hormonal imbalance. According to a study conducted in , consuming ginseng naturally improves sexual function in both males and females by boosting sexual arousal and alertness.
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01.08.2022 12:14:56 Kagakus:
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