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Former Radio 1 star faces new claims of sexual abuse and misconduct from multiple women; he has previously denied wrongdoing. The DJ Tim Westwood is facing allegations from a woman who says he first had sex with her when she was 14 and he was in his 30s. The woman claims Westwood had sex with her on several occasions in the early s, when the age of consent in England and Wales was, as it is now, The woman, and several others, spoke to the Guardian and BBC after the news organisations published a story in April in which Westwood was accused of opportunistic and predatory sexual behaviour.

Students completed a self-report survey containing questions relating to teacher and peer-related bullying, measures of psychosocial adjustment, and personality. The results showed that students could be clearly differentiated according to the type of victimization they had experienced. Students reporting peer victimization typically showed high levels of social alienation, poorer psychological functioning, and poorer self-esteem and self-image. By contrast, victims of teacher victimization were more likely to be rated as less able academically, had less intention to complete school and were more likely to be engaged in high-risk behaviours such as gambling, drug use and under-age drinking.

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