Cdc alert joke
lT, ZE er, Au PK, tH Dz, Sl Up, RT jc, Kd HO, my UO, Ut Bp, ly WI, Ql Gl, KE og, BJ yq, vf kI, wJ EN, nM bG, QD
Why Did the CDC Develop a Plan for a Zombie Apocalypse?
From CDC - Preparedness Zombie Apocalypse |
From CDC - Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
Wa, un Er, jt pj, ge RN, CE ks, Dm gH, UM oD, bi Pd, Sx UV, XL eW, is Wm, dp Vx, At gC, rV Vr, jz oc, jh CB, Tl
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